For Indian businesses aiming to thrive in today’s global market, the ability to receive international payments is not just an advantage—it’s a necessity. Globalization has erased the traditional boundaries of trade and commerce, allowing businesses in India to explore opportunities far beyond their local markets.

This expansion is about capturing international markets and integrating into global supply chains, where exchanging goods, services, and payments transcends geographical and currency barriers. The quest for the best methods to facilitate these transactions is critical, as it directly impacts global business operations’ efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and reliability.

Global Expansion and Financial Connectivity

A map of the world with some green pins to different countries alluding to various points to do international payments in India.

For Indian businesses targeting global markets, the ability to handle international payments efficiently is crucial. Traditional banking systems often lag in speed, currency flexibility, and cost efficiency, hindering global expansion efforts.

Bancoli’s Global Business Account offers a solution, enabling Indian businesses to transact and hold funds in multiple currencies like USD, EUR, GBP, HKD, and SGD and uniquely convert funds to INR, JPY, CNY, ILS, and PHP for payouts.

Understanding the Need for Global Payment Solutions

More than ever, Indian businesses are at a pivotal juncture where adopting global payment solutions is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Here’s why:

Expanding Customer Base Globally and Simplifying Financial Management

For Indian companies looking to expand internationally, navigating the complexities of cross-border transactions requires robust financial management tools.

Utilizing a payment gateway to receive international payments and manage money from abroad becomes imperative.

Global payment solutions, therefore, allow businesses to accept international payments and simplify financial management by integrating with accounting and e-commerce platforms, thus reducing the administrative workload.

Competitive Advantage and Enhanced Customer Experience

A laptop screen displaying 5 green stars alluding to customer service in international payments in India.

To stay competitive in the global market, Indian businesses must adopt mechanisms that enable them to accept payments from international customers, offering payment options in their local currency at the mid-market exchange rate.

This approach provides a competitive edge, significantly enhances customer satisfaction, and fosters loyalty by simplifying the currency conversion process.

Supply Chain Integration

A visual representation of supply chain during an international payment in India.

Seamless financial transactions are crucial for effective participation in global supply chains.

Bancoli’s supply chain financing solutions enable businesses to streamline their invoicing processes and improve cash flow. They also ensure that money transfers and payments are handled efficiently, which is vital for maintaining uninterrupted supply chain operations.

Building Brand Reputation

A business enhances its credibility by setting up a system to accept international payments, showcasing itself as a professional and reliable entity in the global market.

Online payments and the ability to receive money from abroad through a payment gateway for international transactions position your business as a key player worldwide.

How to Receive International Payments in India?

By adopting a strategic approach to international payments and leveraging the right tools and platforms, Indian businesses can confidently navigate the complexities of global markets, unlocking new opportunities and driving growth.

Choosing a Payment Method: Navigating the myriad available options can be daunting. Here’s a breakdown to simplify the decision-making process:

Multi-Currency Account

Incorporating a multi-currency account into your business operations allows you to handle money in various currencies seamlessly, a necessity for companies with a global client base. Bancoli’s Global Business Account emerges as an exemplary choice, offering banking details for currencies such as USD, EUR, and GBP.

This feature simplifies the process of receiving international payments, bypassing the hurdles of currency conversion and associated high fees, thus positioning Bancoli as an advantageous selection for your enterprise.

Payment Gateways

Two cellphones with some green coins alluding to an international payment in India.

Platforms like PayPal or Stripe are commonly sought-after for their proficiency in currency conversions when considering payment gateways.

Nevertheless, Bancoli distinguishes itself by implementing a direct fund transfer mechanism into your INR account. This allows you rapid access to your funds while diminishing the costs of currency conversion.

This integrated solution is tailored to meet the needs of businesses aiming to accept international payments efficiently.

Traditional Wire Transfer

Traditional wire transfers, which are direct bank-to-bank transfers, are known for their reliability. However, they can also be marked by potential delays and elevated transaction fees.

Bancoli counters these drawbacks by offering a more effective alternative with competitive transaction fees and expedited processing times. This ensures that your business does not forfeit momentum or incur unnecessary financial setbacks.

Step-by-Step Guide to Receiving International Payments in India

Two sacks of money with some bills lying next to them.

This step-by-step guide aims to make the process overwhelmingly clear, ensuring you can effectively receive payments from global clients in India.

Step 1: Gather Essential Information

To smoothly receive an international payment, you must provide your clients with specific details about your banking information. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Your Name/Business Name: Ensure the name matches the one associated with your bank account to avoid any discrepancies that could delay the payment.
  • Bank Account Number: Your standard Indian bank account number where the funds will be deposited.
  • IBAN (International Bank Account Number): Particularly necessary for transactions from Europe, the IBAN facilitates international funds transfer. Your bank can provide this number if you’re dealing with European clients.
  • SWIFT Code (or BIC Code): This code is crucial as it uniquely identifies your bank internationally, enabling clients from any country to send you money. Your bank will supply you with the SWIFT or BIC code upon request.
  • Intermediary Bank Information: Some wire transfers might require details of an intermediary bank. This is more common in complex transaction paths. Your bank can advise whether this is necessary and provide the details.

💡Tip: Banking details or regulations can change. Periodically verify your information to ensure it’s current and promptly communicate any updates to your clients.

Step 2: Communicate Clearly with Your Clients

Once you have gathered all the necessary information, the next step is communicating these details to your clients.

  • Precision is Key: Ensure the information is presented clearly and accurately. Any error, no matter how minor, can lead to significant delays.
  • Security Measures: Using secure methods to prevent data breaches or fraud when sharing sensitive banking information.
  • Know the Timelines: International wire transfers can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. Understanding and communicating these timelines can help manage expectations on both ends.

Step 4: Monitor Your Account and Consult with Your Bank for Any Discrepancies

  • Stay Vigilant: After initiating the payment process, monitor your account for incoming funds. Depending on your bank’s protocols, you might need to confirm the receipt of payment or complete additional steps.
  • Immediate Action: If there are any issues or delays in receiving the payment, contact your bank immediately. They can help trace the payment and resolve any issues.

💡Tip: Maintain detailed records of the transactions, including invoices, payment confirmations, and correspondence with your clients. This is crucial for accounting purposes and resolving any future discrepancies.

What else must be considered when receiving money in India from international clients?

Several stacks of green coins alluding to a graph that money is increasing.

Indian businesses going global need to navigate the complexities of international payments, including costs, fees, and regulations.

Businesses can easily navigate these complexities by choosing a partner like Bancoli. It can ensure and maximize their international income while complying with regulatory norms.

Receiving international payments in India requires careful attention to detail. From providing the correct banking information to understanding and adhering to regulatory requirements.

By following this guide, Indian businesses can enhance their operational efficiency in global commerce. This can ensure that international payments are received smoothly and comply with all legal requirements.

Understanding Costs and Fees

International transactions are subject to various fees that can significantly affect the net amount received. Being well-informed can help businesses plan and manage their finances effectively.

Transaction Fees

Every time you receive a payment from overseas, banks or payment gateways will charge you to process the transaction. These charges, known as transaction fees, can vary significantly depending on who you’re dealing with.

💡Tip: It’s wise to compare the transaction fees across various platforms to identify the most economical option for your business. Bancoli emerges as a strategic choice, offering competitive transaction fees that ensure a larger portion of your payment.

Currency Conversion Fees

Receiving payments in currencies other than INR involves converting these amounts into your local currency, which incurs conversion fees. Financial institutions handling currency conversions set the rates and fees, which can impact the final amount you receive.

Opting for Bancoli’s Global Business Account could be a game-changer for your business. This account cuts currency conversion fees by offering better exchange rates, so you hold more money after each international transaction.


International income can have tax implications. Understanding the tax obligations associated with receiving payments abroad is crucial to ensure compliance and avoid surprises.

A tax advisor can be a valuable resource to consult with. They can provide tailored advice on managing international income and optimizing tax liabilities.

Understanding Regulatory Requirements

A clipboard displaying a list with several boxes in green checkmarks.

India’s strict framework for international payments prioritizes transparency and ensures businesses comply with regulations. Understanding and adhering to these regulations is pivotal as you steer your business toward global horizons. Here’s a breakdown of the essentials:

Permanent Account Number (PAN)

Your PAN is indispensable for all financial transactions, acting as your business’s tax identification. It’s imperative to ensure that the PAN details are accurate and readily accessible for international payment setups.

For example, when receiving funds from overseas clients, the transaction process necessitates the inclusion of your PAN to authenticate the transaction and facilitate the seamless transfer of funds.

💡Tip: Ensure your PAN is up to date and readily available when setting up payment gateways or banking solutions for international transactions.

Importer Exporter Code (IEC)

Visual meaning of what is an IEC code with a blue graphic pattern on the right.

The IEC is a mandatory requirement for businesses involved in importing or exporting goods or services. It signifies your legitimacy in international trade. It’s issued by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) and is crucial for conducting international trade within legal frameworks.

In practice, whether importing raw materials from abroad or exporting products to foreign markets, possessing an IEC simplifies customs clearance and financial transactions related to your trade activities.

Foreign Inward Remittance Certificate (FIRC)

The FIRC is essential documentation for each international payment received. It serves as proof of the transaction and ensures compliance with foreign exchange guidelines. This certificate is crucial for audits and financial assessments, documenting the legitimacy and source of your foreign income.

For instance, receiving payment from international clients for services rendered will result in an FIRC detailing the transaction specifics, which will serve as an indispensable record for your financial documentation.

Making the Most of Bancoli for International Payments

A computer screen displaying Bancoli's dashboard.

Bancoli streamlines the process of receiving international payments for Indian businesses. By offering a comprehensive suite of services, Bancoli addresses the challenges associated with costs, fees, and regulatory compliance, making global expansion more accessible and profitable.

Global Business Account: Your Payment Gateway to the World

Bancoli’s Global Business Account caters to Indian enterprises engaged in international commerce. It supports essential currencies such as USD, EUR, GBP, HKD, and SGD and allows conversions to INR, JPY, CNY, ILS, and PHP.

Fast and Efficient Transactions with Competitive Fees

Understanding the essence of time in international trade, Bancoli ensures quick transactions and competitive fees. This efficiency, combined with favorable exchange rates, boosts business profitability and financial health.

Unmatched Security and Compliance

Bancoli prioritizes security and compliance, offering funds protection up to $125 million—500x more than typical US banks and up to 1000x higher than European banks. This level of security, alongside Bancoli’s adherence to global financial standards, provides businesses unparalleled peace of mind in their international transactions.

Tailored Solutions for Enhanced Business Operations

Bancoli’s platform includes multi-currency invoicing and cash flow management tools designed to accelerate payment-receiving. These customized solutions integrate seamlessly with existing business operations, streamlining invoicing and enhancing cash flow to support growth and expansion.

Bancoli ad with CTA showcasing benefits of international payments in India.

In Conclusion

Understanding and managing the costs, fees, and regulatory requirements of international payments is crucial for Indian businesses venturing into the global marketplace. By choosing a partner like Bancoli, businesses can easily navigate these complexities, ensuring they maximize their international income while remaining compliant with regulatory norms.

This guide is a foundational resource, empowering Indian businesses to confidently step into the world of international commerce.